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Why should I choose AMJ?

At AMJ, we realize that Martial Arts has always been a personal experience. The methods in which you absorb and utilize information, is entirely your own. With AMJ instruction, you decide how and when you want to train. Hence, you become the martial artist you choose to be!

Do I have to send proof of rank?

No, as a Martial Artist your integrity and honesty is respected.

What forms of payment does the AMJ accept?

We accept, certified U.S bank checks, or any U.S money order.

My instructor has died, moved away, or I no longer attend my old Dojo. Can I still advance in rank?

Yes, through repetetive practice you ability level and confidence will improve. Just be sure to request the advancement.

Can I study the video and become a blackbelt? Also, how do I advance in rank when I'm studying the video?

Yes, if you learn the basics and practice until you can perform it from memory, you then request certification for that belt level. Then you work on the next series of moves. It's that simple!

Does AMJ send bulk e-mail?

No, AMJ does not send bulk e-mail to members nor does AMJ give away or sell your info for any mailing list.

How do I register with American Modern Jujitsu?

Registration is automatic with the purchase of any distance learning course.

When does my certificate expire and are there annual fees?

Never, each certificate is lifetime. There are no annual fees.

How do I resign or drop-out of AMJ?

Instructors or students, simply send your request in letter form, along with your certificate, and any other certification issued to you by AMJ to the AMJ office. When this package is recieved by AMJ, all your info will be deleted and your name will no longer appear on the site or in the AMJ date base.

I have been at my rank for years, how do I advance to the next rank?

Check the guide lines for time between black belt ranks. If you have trained the number of years stated, simply send in a request for your next rank.

How much are the Shipping and Handling fees?

Nothing, AMJ covers the cost of shipping and handling fees inside the USA. For other countries, there is a small additional charge.

How do I know if you recieved my letter requesting my rank registration?

Watch the AMJ or Black Belt Club student web page(which ever applies to you), your name will appear the day we process you request. The large envelopes are in the "mail system" longer than a letter. Be patient, you will recieve your package.

What happens if there is a mistake on the certificate or on the website?

Contact AMJ, Certificates and the web site will be corrected at no charge.

If I have my own certificate or School Charter, can I have the AMJ Founders sign it?

No, the only certificates signed by the AMJ Founders, are the ones issued by AMJ. This helps protect authenticity of certificates and also shows a common bond for Instructors throughout AMJ.

How can I change my style of Martial Arts? I would like to remove my previous style from the web site and list a new style along with my new rank.

First: Register your new style and rank with AMJ by sending your new information and your registration fee. Second: After you recieve your new certificate in the mail, send your old certificate back to AMJ. AMJ can not remove your name from the site or cancel your old certification without recieving the original certificate.

Can I e-mail the AMJ with questions about techniques?

Yes, all e-mails will be answered by one of our instructors.

Can I become a blackbelt through distance training?

Yes, if someone trains at home or a gym with a partner and practices every aspect of AMJ curriculum they can become a blackbelt.

What age do I have to be to join?

Any age can join. However if you are under 18 you must get parenal consent and send the AMJ a letter.

Do I have to send video or pictures of my training?

No, AMJ works on the honor system but if someone sends video, an instructor will review it and e-mail the student with comments.

If I have a blackbelt in another art can I cross rank to American Modern Jujitsu?

Yes, if you have a a blackbelt and send a copy of your certificate, you can study the curriculum and cross rank.

How much does it cost?

75.00 covers all three courses, you get the complete package. Or you can join with a friend or relative and get everything for the both of you for 125.00.

Why is AMJ the best?

Because American Modern Jujitsu is cost efficent and you learn what is practical and not. It is the best style for the street.

Copyright © 2003 American Modern Jujitsu Inc. All rights reserved.